Monday 27 June 2016

Race for Life - Totton Trotters

Over the past couple of months we have been working with Run England and Cancer Research to encourage more women to take up running in aid of Race for Life, this coming weekend, through a number of new beginner running groups. 

The first group are the Totton Trotters led by Sue Tizzard

Sue Tizzard has been a member of her local running club – Totton Running Club for many years. Throughout this time, she and a band of other club members have led several very popular beginner running groups, encouraging previously un-fit people take up the sport, with many of them going on to join the club. When asked to lead a beginners group targeting the Cancer Research UK Race for Life event in Southampton, Sue jumped at the chance to set up her own group – the Totton Trotters, and enter a team of novice runners.

Sue’s father has prostrate cancer, and Sue had previously run the London Marathon to raise money for prostrate cancer. Her Nan suffered with breast cancer, and so three years ago Sue took part in the Race for Life with her mum. In 2015 although she didn’t actually run in the event, Sue volunteered at 3 separate CRUK events in the area.

The popularity and success of Sue’s groups is all down to her enthusiasm and love of running. She appreciates that running can be very hard for adults to take up, but feels that it’s her approachable, jolly manner that makes her groups so appealing to the novice runner. Sue recognises the fact that she’s not the fastest runner in the pack, but it’s this that makes her so appealing as a group leader. Her mantra being that if she can run, anyone can.

The Totton Trotters group has 15 people signed up, with ages ranging between 30-60s, and over half of them being “true beginners” There were the initial problems that all new beginners experience including sore knees, and lack of confidence. But over the first 3-4 weeks, their confidence has grown, and most of the group have invested in their first pair of running shoes.

When asked what was their first major milestone, Sue said it was completing a session without whinging!

Most of the group intend to take part in the Southampton 5k event on July 3rd, and all of them want to continue with their running, with Sue assisting them all the way.